Microsoft creates mood sensing software for smartphones
( —Microsoft Research Asia has been working on creating software called MoodScope that notes how a user uses his or her phone, and then uses that information to guess that user's mood. Initial...
View ArticleSmartphone app for bipolar patients wins $100K prize
A smartphone app to assist people with bipolar disorder, conceived by Cornell researchers, has won the prestigious $100,000 Heritage Open mHealth Challenge.
View ArticleSunbathing good for your mood, and the environment
Sunbathing, swimming and snorkelling can lift your mood without posing much risk to the environment, according to a new survey.
View ArticleScientists develop promising drug candidates for pain, addiction
Scientists from the Florida campus of The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) have described a pair of drug candidates that advance the search for new treatments for pain, addiction and other disorders.
View ArticleThe science that makes us spend more in supermarkets, and feel good while we...
When you walk into a supermarket, you probably want to spend as little money as possible. The supermarket wants you to spend as much money as possible. Let battle commence.
View ArticleAustralian team develops Twitter tool to gauge world's emotions
Australian researchers unveiled on Tuesday a Twitter tool to map moods around the world in real-time to help improve the allocation of mental health services.
View ArticleIn a bad mood? Head to Facebook and find someone worse off
When people are in a bad mood, they are more likely to actively search social networking sites like Facebook to find friends who are doing even worse than they are, a new study suggests.
View ArticleUsing 'mood maths' to understand more about bipolar disorder
Bipolar disorder – formerly known as manic depression – is a chronic, recurrent mental illness characterised by extreme swings in mood. The condition is thought to affect at least one in every 100...
View ArticleDogs found to engage in mimicry and emotional contagion with one another
A trio of researchers with the University of Pisa has found during a study they conducted, that dogs engage in emotional contagion and rapid mimicry with one another. In their paper published in Royal...
View ArticleBusinesses can't afford to ignore the human element of IT, study says
Mood and personality play an important role in how companies should manage their IT systems, according to a new study co-authored by a researcher at Binghamton University, State University of New York.
View ArticleMood ring materials—a new way to detect damage in failing infrastructure
"Mood ring materials" could play an important role in minimizing and mitigating damage to the nation's failing infrastructure.
View ArticleAre we actually affected by the music in stores?
The ubiquitous music heard across shopping centres, clothing stores, supermarkets, coffee shops and bars is widely thought to have positive effects on customer mood and behaviour, however a new study...
View ArticleWhy are some people more gullible than others?
Homo sapiens is probably an intrinsically gullible species. We owe our evolutionary success to culture, our unique ability to receive, trust and act on stories we get from others, and so accumulate a...
View ArticleInternet trolls are made, not born, researchers say
You, too, could become a troll. Not a mythological creature that hides under bridges, but one of those annoying people who post disruptive messages in internet discussion groups – "trolling" for...
View ArticleRude customers linked to workers' shopping binges
Service workers who face verbal abuse from customers during the workday are more likely to go on unnecessary shopping sprees in the evening, indicates new research co-authored by a Michigan State...
View ArticleMoods, but not depression, found contagious in adolescent social networks
New research suggests that both good and bad moods can be 'picked up' from friends, but depression can't.
View ArticleHow an interest in bipolar disorder drugs led to a better understanding of...
A research project that began 20 years ago with an interest in how lithium treats mood disorders has yielded insights into the progression of blood cancers such as leukemia. The research, which centers...
View ArticlePersonality and mood swings in bacteria
Bacteria can control where they go using a signaling network of protein molecules. Scientists at AMOLF have developed a microscopy method that allows them to see how individual bacteria use this...
View ArticleCranky employees more likely to violate cybersecurity policies
As professionals return to work after holidays, their moods are undoubtedly affected by the emotional impact of their holiday experiences, but these moods may be more critical to workplace...
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